Sunday, October 16, 2011

Technical Difficulties

Hey guys,

It appears (or doesn't... eugh, bad joke) that all the pictures on my blog suddenly decided to join the invisibility club without inviting me.  According to some Google search results, I need to change the privacy settings on my Picasa Web Album, which is fine and dandy... if I knew where to access such an album. I opened up the Picasa on my desktop, but I couldn't find any albums or album settings to "change". If anybody can help, or at least steer me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.

Until I can sort this mess out I don't think I'll post anything because it would be boring without pictures :( ... and maybe I'm a little disheartened at the whole situation...

Your woefully playlist-less and now picture-less music blogger, 

Hee hee, I fixed it!!!! Turns out, the "Sign Into Web Albums" link was in the farthest upper-left-hand corner of the screen (in size 10 font...). I am not disheartened anymore and you can expect new posts - one of them about a new album!

Yours joyfully (but still playlist-less),

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