Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Björk, Re-Discovered

Photo credit:
Remember how I said I was "preparing" to confront my nemeses finalis examis? Well, in my preparations I stumbled (by chance) across You Tube (funny, that!) and found (really, it's not like I was ACTIVELY searching for them) some great new (for me, anyways) music.

...that is one messed up sentence. Whoops, there goes my English. Just wait till I whip out (like my hair... *let me explain this comment later) the text-talk! 

Let me take you through my steps:

I began with a bit of Katy
Her makeup is KRAZY! :0 I "less than 3" it!
Bumped into Alanis (again)

Then meandered over to Björk 
*mindblown* .... *again*

This wasn't the first time I'd heard of her, nor is her music new to me but there is always new music to be discovered! Case in point:

The music video won multiple awards back in it's day ( circa 1999) and is on permanent exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York but be forewarned of the mature(ish) content!
A beautiful work of art!

And finally
And that, my friends, is how I ended up re-meeting Björk!
Photo credit:

Haha, ALMOST forgot to explain that comment (*) - thank goodness for proof-reading!
The best comment:
"I liked the part where she whipped her hair back and forth."

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