"Family Life!"
Mamma Kate and Baby Bing ^_^
Mamma Kate and Baby Bing ^_^
This picture is from Matt's Twitter feed. Here's the direct link: http://yfrog.com/klglluej
Check out his yfrog profile for more photos :D
actually, it's more epic than just a palm but I don't condone self-flagellation.
And at the same time common sense dropped a coconut on my head.
The exchange went something like:
Me: RAAWWRRRWRWRWRWRWRW!!!! Why can not I center photo???
Common sense: Exhibit A = "edit html" tab on post...
Me: aaarrrrrrrrrrgghghhhhhhhh!
Common sense: *clears throat* Umm, EXCUSE ME. Exhibit B = "compose" tab
Me: !!! Huh? ...
YAY! I can post normally again!
Here's a nice picture of Dom just for the heck of it: